PlantSight Enterprise Help

Project Details

This feature is used to register a new project.

Note: All settings marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed before you can save the changes. Text fields have character limits and are labeled accordingly.
Project number Assigns a number to the project. This is the project's identifying number used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Project name Assigns a name to the project. This name is used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Use location When selected, the entered Engineering Location is used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Use latitude/longitude When selected, the settings are expanded. The entered Latitude and Longitude specifications are used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Engineering location Assigns a location to the project. This is the project's location used throughout PlantSight when referring to the new project.
Time zone Sets the local time zone for the new project.
Data center location Displays the location where project data is managed.
Billing country Sets a country as the billing country.
Status Changes the status of the project to either Active or Inactive.
Allow external team members Grants project access to external team members.
Cover the cloud service usage costs for external team members Determines whether cloud service usage costs are the responsibility of external team members.
Use this project as a Template When selected, this project format may be used as an Organization Project template.
Add/Change/Reset cover picture Customizes the project tile image.
Register Saves changes and registers (adds) the new project.
Cancel Discards changes and closes the dialog.